We do not fear the dark ni是物ght, for the city暗老 has light.

The corona virus was outbreak suddenly in Guangzhou. Onl些匠y on May 31st, 20 new local cases have been r拿的eported. In just 10 day行短s, the mutation virus has s事機pread for five generations. A低書lthough this epidemic is more dange綠嗎rous than before術和, but people in Guangzhou are not afrai輛那d of it. Medical workers, v劇多olunteers and c黃文itizens are all f視也ighting the epidemic in a positive way. In the fac子房e of COVID-19, 會但sculpture artists also pic兵暗ked up their carve knives, t媽影o fight the epidemic 請站with their art works. 要姐And cheer up for the warri間線ors on the front lines of the Corona v鄉弟irus epidemic!


Artist: Luo xuechun

In face of COVI媽土D-19, everyone 愛鄉is responsible. The founder 花這of Fangyuan Sculpture company, 短們Mr. Luo Xuechun, with his nat拿廠ural duty and soc化公ial responsibility as新公 a sculpture artist 那短and entrepreneur, h一靜e do his best to record the anti-ep廠廠idemic and create new ar請地t works, salute to those who 爸做are fighting the epid遠問emic on the front li路老ne.



Artist: Yang xueju科女n


As the local enterprise媽小s in Guangzhou, facing this outbreak, we will do our b頻懂est to cooperate with the government麗花 and take protective measures. Wis有玩h we all have good health舊鐘 to have Cantonese morning 場兒tea. Guangzhou cheer up! Guang妹著zhou will prevail!

source:GD Fysculptu用南re Co.,Ltd.