The corona virus was outbreak suddenly跳關 in Guangzhou. Only on May 3和很1st, 20 new local cases have家湖 been reported. In just 爸街10 days, the mut笑吧ation virus has我制 spread for five generations. Althou店對gh this epidemic is more dangerous公南 than before, but peop還道le in Guangzhou 麗見are not afraid of i遠舞t. Medical workers, 玩老volunteers and ci人上tizens are all fighting the epidemic in a positive way. I窗志n the face of COVID-19, sculpture 農東artists also picked up th火你eir carve knives, to fight the epid為熱emic with their art works.愛工 And cheer up for the人劇 warriors on the front lines of是用 the Corona viru下刀s epidemic!
Artist: Luo xuechun
In face of COVID-19, everyone is re姐到sponsible. The founder of Fangy音媽uan Sculpture company, Mr. Luo Xuech票妹un, with his natural d中家uty and social responsibility as a s小事culpture artist and entrepreneur, h兒公e do his best to reco飛都rd the anti-epidemic and create new art還跳 works, salute to those who are figh老行ting the epidemic on the front l也什ine.
Artist: Yang xuejun
As the local enter師喝prises in Guangzhou,&nb女船sp;facing this outbreak,&nb就見sp;we will do our best to cooperate wit店長h the government and take pro鐘姐tective measures. Wish we all長短 have good health to have Cantonese m來房orning tea. Guangzhou cheer 師業up! Guangzhou will pre厭近vail!
source:GD Fysculp理相ture Co.,Ltd.